Charitable Giving

Client Centered

It's a great feeling when you give something back to your community, church, or alma mater. We can help you maximize your charitable intentions as we examine the various options available to you. While most people consider leaving something after their deaths, there are strategies you should consider while still living. Some of these strategies can multiply the value of the gifts you may already be making.

While some high-net-worth people consider establishing a Private Family Foundation, there are numerous other ways you can create a legacy or make larger, meaningful gifts to charity. A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a great way to help teach the next generation about giving something back, and establishing one can be fairly easy. If managed properly, the fund may last forever. More complex strategies involve trusts (CRT or CLT), including the wealth replacement trust (usually involving an ILIT).

If all of this alphabet soup has you confused, then maybe we should meet. We can help you determine which strategy or combination of strategies could best help you fulfill your philanthropic goals.